

3917 Partridge Circle G.I NE 68803  & 3012 South Locust G.I NE 68801    GlaserMusicAR@gmail.com     702-835-2623

Please sign and initial each item. Return by the first lesson of the new session. A new copy will need to be signed for each NEW session.


__________ Please arrive no earlier than five (5) minutes before the scheduled lesson. Make sure your child is inside safely before leaving. Students pack up five(5) minutes before their lessons ends, so they can be out the door on time for pick up. The front door will remain locked between lessons and will be open five (5) minutes before and after lessons. Please pick up your child on time. Call or text if you need to pick up your child early or are running late. Mrs G Rules of the Road draft 5.pdf


__________ There are no refunds or credits for illness, inclement weather, or missed classes due to scheduling conflicts . Monthly tuition is posted to your account by the 25th of the month payable by the 5th of the month for that month's tuition. If tuition is NOT paid by the 5th, our system will charge a $15 late fee that will be applied to your invoice. 


__________ Due to the nature of the group class, there will be no make-up lessons. No make up lessons for unexcused absences for any solo lesson as well. 


__________ If the teacher cancels the class, the tuition for that lesson will be credited to your My Music Staff account within 1-2 days.


__________ Families are obligated to pay for lessons for the entirety of a session, once that session begins.  Session 1 - September-December (Fall/Winter); Session 2- January May (Winter/ Spring); Session 3 - June-August (Summer/ Camps). 


__________ A Winter (Session 1) and Spring (Session 2) recital fee will be included on each student’s tuition for the month in which  the recital will be held.  


__________ If your child develops and/or displays consistent behavior that is detrimental to the others in the class, they will be given one (1) warning. Then a parent meeting will be scheduled to discuss a plan to correct the behavior before moving forward. If the behavior continues and the child is dismissed from the class, no tuition fees will be returned, and the session agreement still applies. ZERO TOLERANCE FOR BULLYING (IN-PERSON OR ONLINE) OR ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE USE IN THE STUDIO.


__________ As parents or legal guardians of the child, we do hereby give authority to staff members of Glaser Music Studio to obtain all necessary medical assistance for the child in the event of an emergency, including the care of a physician and/or hospital. This authorization is granted for situations when a parent or guardian cannot be reached immediately. 


__________ Every possible precaution will be taken to prevent accidents and to avoid injury. However, in the event of some unfortunate accident or injury, I do hereby release The Glaser Music Studio, the owners, and the staff members from any and all liability resulting therein.


Please sign and initial each item. Bring to your child’s first lesson.

Child Name (s): __________________________________________________________________

 Lesson Day & Time (s):  _________________________________________________________ (Lesson times for Session 2will remain the same as Session 1 unless a changed has been requested)

Session (s): ______________________________________________________________________

Parent (s)  Signature (s):  ________________________________________________________ 

Date: ____________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for choosing the Glaser Music Studio. 

You are a blessing to myself and my family. 

~ Mrs. Alicia Glaser ~